
Sunday, November 17, 2013

Spiky Fruit

 photo Daturafruit_zps6997904e.jpg
Sacred datura fruit, Sonoran Desert, Southern Arizona


Macro Monday intro badge photo MM2badgeintrofinal_zps09e45e9a.jpg

Spiky Fruit

1. Shiju Sugunan  19. Randi, Sweden  37. hapzydeco  
2. Pat  20. bees on pink powder  38. patricia  
3. Anneli - A'la Foto  21. BirgittaB  39. Yuzu lemons  
4. Laura Hegfield  22. Leovi - Strangers in the night  40. Janet  
5. Debbie at Travel with Intent  23. Hannah  41. Schelley  
6. Christian  24. Katrin  42. Elaine's Commotion  
7. Tulsa Gentleman  25. TheChieftess  43. HoodPhoto OR-USA  
8. Stewart M - Aus  26. Vacation shots  44. Lee Ann L. @ Unfocused!  
9. Eden Hills  27. November plums  45. imsy, Sweden  
10. Sara Chapman in Seattle USA  28. Maboe  46. Laura Hegfield  
11. Sara Chapman #2  29. Namaki  47. Alexa  
12. Sara Chapman #3  30. Zauberpalme  48. Rajesh  
13. Milla  31. Sliced  49. Magical Mystical Teacher #2  
14. Gunilla  32. maryaustria  50. PhenoMenon  
15. Gattina  33. Magical Mystical Teacher  51. Ileana, Romania  
16. Trädgårdssurr  34. Ulla Laiho  52. Synnöve  
17. Gemma Wiseman  35. Mama Zen  
18. Simone, Germany  36. Leovi - Let's make a pact the three  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Maude Lynn said...

How cool!

Sara Chapman said...

Fascinating. I had no idea that datura had a fruit and that it was so scary-spiky!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Intriguing plant. It reminds me of the conkers from a liquidamber tree.

Birgitta said...

This was one interesting plant!

Hannah said...

The texture of the ball and spikes is interesting. Lovely photo.

Anonymous said...

Lovely shot.

Lui said...

Great shot!

Anonymous said...

Awesome!! Love the details right down to the specks of dirt, etc.

Anonymous said...

Awesome!! Love the details right down to the specks of dirt, etc.

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the double comment. I was struggling with my OpenID today!!